
An Ode to Being a Kid on the Road by Marty Rogers


“This book is comprised of images from the Library of Congress’ Flickr account in the Roadside America: Take a journey along U.S. main streets, byways, and highways through photographs taken by John Margolies between 1969 and 2008 collection. These images settle over me like a warm blanket of memory. A child in the backseat watching the impeccable New Mexico sky fly by as they look for cacti or dinosaurs in the distance. Here’s to all of the kids who grew up on the road in one way or another. Cheers.” -Marty Rogers

Marty is a professional secret teller, tear maker, day dreamer, and loudmouth. They are obsessed with investigating and unraveling the lived experiences of themself and others, in an attempt to identify and mend the holes in our shared social fabric. They are dedicated to saying the quiet part loud as an act of resisting and disrupting conservative American culture.  

Marty (born Martha Faith) was born and raised in a few places, but their tail was whipped and heart reared in rural North Carolina. Currently they live and love in Raleigh, NC with their life partner, best friends, family, stuffed animals, knick knacks, and pets. 

Self-Published, 2023

4” x 4.5”, sewn binding, black and white

14 pages
