Year of the Sasquatch by Sharon Kunde
As global heating destabilizes the ecosystems that support human and nonhuman animals alike, what will befall the mighty Sasquatch? Tracing seasons that cycle through the 2010’s great undoings, “The Year of the Sasquatch” dwells in embodiment’s sticky and stinky impasses, as intimacies and democratic forms of governance falter, as children hike away from their parents into an unimaginable world, as well-worn biological systems fail us in ways both tragic and comic. With the passage of seasons, the scatological mesh that connects us becomes richer and more deeply shadowed. Always in our peripheral vision, we can catch glimpses of the Sasquatch galumphing toward the sea. Maybe he will interpose for us with whomever he’s gone to meet, or maybe this time he’ll be rid of us for good.
Sharon Kunde has published work or has work forthcoming with Twentieth-Century Literature, The Cincinnati Review, The Harvard Review, The Colorado Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, The Los Angeles Review of Books, The Los Angeles Times, and other journals. She is postdoctoral fellow at Duke’s Franklin Hope Humanities Institute and lives in Chapel Hill.
An indie press and design studio based in Chicago, DANCING GIRL PRESS & STUDIO offers a wide variety of open and limited edition books, art, and paper goods; as well as gifts and accessories inspired by vintage design and ephemera.
Dancing Girl Press, 2021
5.25” x 8”
41 pages