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New Publication-> Awkward Life: Photographs by Ludovic Raymondo

This is the second in a series of publications produced by Jerstin Crosby in partnership with The Concern in collaboration with an artist that has suffered a life changing injury after a period of artistic output or study. The first was ‘What He Say? They Say It To Him? Drawings by Elliot Feltner, published in July 2020.

Awkward Life is a collection of photographs by Long Island- based artist Ludovic Raymondo. Ludovic studied art & design and was involved in the NY skate community. After college, he suffered a traumatic brain injury that led down a long road of recovery. These candid photos are snapshots of his life and his developing sense of personal creative output conducted prior to the accident. Ludovic’s recovery is ongoing but he collaborated fully with the production of this publication.

pop up, event

Current Art Book Fair, Richmond, March 31, 2018

Excited to be participating in the Current Art Book Fair in Richmond, VA on March 31, 2018.  "CURRENT Books will showcase high-quality works by art book publishers, artists, writers, and artist collectives who produce print media including artists' books, monographs, and zines. CURRENT Books will highlight regional makers from Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, and North Carolina, and give them a platform to exhibit and sell their work."

Taking place at Studio Two Three at 3300 W. Clay Street, on March 31 from 12-8pm, with a preview brunch at 11am.  We will also be a part of a panel talk on the topic of 'Publishing as Curation' on the evening of Friday, March 30 from 7-9pm moderated by Don Russell, the Executive Director of Provisions Library, a research center for arts and social change based out of George Mason University. 

