
news, event

Xerox Collages by Shiv Mirabito

Xeroxed collages by Shiv Mirabito now up on the wall at our Attic 506 space. Shiv is a poet, publisher (Shivastan Press / Kathmandu- Woodstock) and owner of the Woodstock Shivastan Poetry Ashram Bookshop. From Shivastan Press we also carry his collection of poetry, Uncle Skallywag, Breathe by India Radfar and Welcome to Woodstock by Paul McMahon, all printed on handmade Lokta Paper.

event, news, printing

Open call- The Concern. A Magazine Issue 2, 2019

We are now taking submissions for The Concern. A Magazine, issue 2, which will be published this fall. Unlike issue 1, which was entirely black and white, xerox printed, this 2nd issue will allow for color pages, but still printed with a DIY touch. We are looking for submissions that relate to being concerned about something, it could be anything. It could take the form of writing (poetry, articles, short stories) or artwork (drawing, collage, video stills, photography, etc). Though we can’t say we will accept all submissions, as a curated bookstore, this magazine will also be a curated collection. Please submit something to theconcernnewsstand (a) gmail, by September 15. Thank you!
